Welcome to post #2 of our series on Supporting your Immune System. The purpose of each post is to take us back to our ROOTS by sharing the knowledge of using ROOTS.
For your immune system to fight against pathogens; you must supply it with the nutrients it needs. That means featuring powerful immune boosting fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your meal planning. This post may have you eyeing familiar items you throw in your cart regularly, a bit differently.
“Variety is the key to proper nutrition. Eating just one of these foods won’t be enough to help fight off the flu, even if you eat it constantly. Pay attention to serving sizes and recommended daily intake so that you don’t get too much of a single vitamin and too little of others.” Jan. 16, 2019 – HealthLine.com
The One Everyone Knows – Citrus Fruits aka Vitamin C
There are only three original types of citrus fruits – mandarin, pummelo, and citron. However, there are roughly 15 hybrid varieties. The most common types that you will find in your local grocery store or Farmers Market are Oranges, Grapefruits, Tangerines, Clementines, Limes & Lemons.
Bet You Did Not Know This One – Shellfish
{Yes, we know it’s not a fruit or vegetable but worth mentioning}
There are four types of shellfish that are packed with the mineral Zinc and are commonplace in stores & restaurants – Lobsters, Crabs, Mussels & Clams.
Zinc is a mineral. It is called an "essential trace element" because very small amounts of zinc are necessary for human health. Since the human body does not store excess zinc, it must be consumed regularly as part of the diet. Common dietary sources of zinc include red meat, poultry, and fish. - WebMD.com
Just to list a few Weekly Grocery Store Sales Circular Costars
Almonds Broccoli Garlic Ginger Green Tea Kiwi Papaya Poultry Red Bell Peppers Spinach Sunflower Seeds Turmeric Yogurt
There are many more and the big question of how much of a good thing should you EAT? Just a suggestion, check out the chart on unclineberger.org; use the active hyperlink below.
“It has long been thought that consuming copious amounts of Vit C will ward off a cold. While it has been found that deficiencies in some nutrients (zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E) can have negative affects on the immune system, the fact is, unless you are deficient in these micronutrients, taking amounts beyond your daily needs is a moot point. Remember, Vitamin C is water soluble-meaning consuming extra amounts of it will only be flushed out in your urine. So how much of each micronutrient is required and where in your diet can you find them?
Bottom Line
The immune boosting properties are in numerous foods, so eat a diet rich in a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Unless you are actually suffering from a deficiency, taking extra supplementation is not necessary, and in this case, more does not mean better.” Nov. 09, 2016 – UNClineberger.org